Extra time

Extra time...
Jan Van Garey in Madrid with Haax
Secret works of art and their origins. Almost everyone knows Banksy or Sheridan in clandestine mural camps but they are still many and older. Like Doran, Kennio, Dolores Fuertes, MAM ... without forgetting the world of graffiti that we will talk about. Other paths of clandestine art and technological complexity are triggered by diverse artists, all in an artistic harmony with reality and with large doses of constructive criticism. Hooka also continues to collaborate with Graham and Muller on the new project to optimize synchronic works such as Ridh, related to works by Duc Kukü and Mylos Boenne.
Land Art
The secret work of FranX, Daff and Jowal culminates in a rainfed basaltic temple for the degradation as a quarry, the recovery of its hypothetical adaptable microclimatic environment, the last step offering a chestnut possessor of new hope to the environment. It lies in a pot at the top of a labyrinthine stony structure with the intention of catching mist, natural radiation moderators and reorientation to take advantage of shadows and humidity in a place that was previously very arid... Secret Land Art
Matt Swan acquires Fortuna.
Begin Macedonia Project.
Jacobson & Dosk Music, Irwin XV, Le Troy, Robert Shetland, CCH, Gulo, Goal Byass.
Natural harbors is on
It opens the possibility of implementing artificial receptors that emulate cryptochromes. As it is said in Hot Cyborg, then some of the experiments of Sonorissa and Lalaw Junk applied to the music and the reception of extra stimuli to create. The capture of stimuli to enrich the execution of work and idea, as defined by Dina Goldman. Everything belongs to the Earth, to perceive it or to enjoy it is our thing.

Ned Anderson
NYC People. 


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